Yelp Official Blog.

Yelp is cool.  But they are in some hot water because of what appears to be some version of  “advertising tampering.”  There is no fooling the blogosphere.  You will get found out if your intentions are less than noble.  (And apparently even if your brand gives off the impression or perception of less than noble, you basically can get screwed and put your brand at risk.)  tokii can’t take that chance at all – as a brand in developing relationships with customers we must show warts and all and allow the relationship to develop naturally in the same way a love relationship develops…let’s put it this way, you wouldn’t pay your friends your friends to call your new partner and tell them how great you are, or would you? 

By the way, I think the Yelp blog is a good example of the kind of  blog an online company should have.  Addresses issues related to the company, tells customers the truth, explains what the company is up to, details parts of the product, educates, informs, etc.